How to remove Facebook followers easily
Facebook is a very popular social network around the world. Its success is due to its set of features and the many options it offers to its users. However, it should be noted that some features of the platform can be double-edged. This is the case of the subscription system. We therefore suggest you discover here, how to remove subscribers on Facebook.
How does the subscription system work on Facebook?
The subscription system on Facebook is quite an interesting feature. It allows you to follow a person, usually a celebrity or a public figure, without having to be in his list of friends. It's a function that has been implemented to allow users of the platform to have access to the activities and publications of people like Political leaders, Journalists, Celebrities or influencers, etc. Any Facebook user can activate this function on their profile. It is therefore not reserved for official accounts or accounts of celebrities.
What are the advantages of subscribing on Facebook?
The subscription system implemented by Facebook has several advantages. For starters, it allows users to see the posts of anyone on Facebook. Whether it's a public figure or a famous stranger with whom you feel an affinity, you can follow their activities on the social network. In other words, even if there is little (if any) chance that this person will ever accept you as a friend, you will still be able to see their posts.
This subscription system on Facebook also allows users to get their message out to as many people as possible, while keeping their private posts private. Indeed, by activating the "subscribe" button on your page, you increase your audience and your community, without becoming friends with people you don't know. Thus, your publications marked "public" will be visible to everyone. On the other hand, posts marked as "friends" will only be visible to users who are part of your friends list.
What's interesting with this feature is that, as the owner of a page, you can prohibit comments from your followers. They will only be able to see your posts, without having the possibility to interact with you. On the other hand, as a subscriber, you will be able to choose the type of posts you want to see in your News Feed. For example, you can block games or other types of publications that you consider unnecessary.
What are the disadvantages of subscribing to Facebook?
Subscribing to Facebook does not only have its advantages. Unfortunately, this feature can expose you to some inconveniences. For example, someone you've unfriended may subscribe to you and continue to follow your activities on Facebook. It is also possible that people in bad faith use this feature to spy on you. That's why some Facebook users choose to delete their followers in order to preserve their privacy.
What is the procedure for deleting followers on Facebook?
Deleting followers on Facebook is very simple. Just go to your subscription settings. Click on "Edit Settings". Then you can change the "On" button to "Off" under "Allow people other than your friends to subscribe to your public updates".
In this way you can remove all subscribers or subscriptions. This procedure also allows you to deactivate and remove the "subscribe" button from your page. You will be able to prevent any user from following your activities on Facebook, if they are not in your list of friends.